Don Luciano Tempranillo 2020 Red Wine 750ml



  • Red wine with blue reflections and a high robe.
  • On the palate, it is a balanced, tasty wine with the typical tannin of the Tempranillo grape.
  • Aromatic profile where typically varietal tones can be appreciated, red fruits, ripe berries, and Mediterranean bush.
  • Made with a selection of Tempranillo grapes, the recently fermented wine is racked and remains at rest until malolactic fermentation is complete.
  • This wine combines very well with pâtés, smoked foods, meats, and stews of Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Great for parties, channel surfing, and relaxing with friends.
  • Best served chilled.
  • Get this 1 bottle (750ml) of Don Luciano Wine Tempranillo Red.

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