Promo Period: January 31 to March 31, 2024

How to Avail

a. Log-in/sign-up in Shop Suki in the desktop website or mobile/tablet app.

b. Search the items you wish to purchase and add to cart.

c. To proceed with checkout, enter your e-mail address and shipping details.

d. Enter promo code Jolly4Suki in the “Gift Card or discount code” field.

e. On the Payment field, choose Online Debit or Credit Card (Local) or Swipe on Delivery as option.

f. Confirm the order by clicking on the Complete Order button.

Terms & Conditions

1. Returning/Existing customers are entitled to one (1) free 100 PHP Jollibee E-Gift Certificate when they enter the code Jolly4Suki for a minimum grocery spend of Php 3,500.00 (excluding delivery fee).

2. Customers can redeem their 100 PHP Jollibee E-Gift Certificate on their order at these participating Jollibee stores: Jollibee stores in KCC Mall of Gensan, KCC Mall de Zamboanga, and Jollibee Polomolok.

3. The Jollibee E-Gift Certificates have no validity time frame unless redeemed.

4. One (1) transaction per customer per day only.

5. All employees of KCC Property Holdings, Inc., Tandem Cedar Cypress Corporation, and Shop Suki, its affiliates, agencies, and their relatives up to the second degree of affinity and consanguinity are disqualified from joining this promotion.

6. Promo offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions, special offerings, or discount privileges.

7. All products are covered.