United Home Sulfur Ointment 30mg



  • A topical ointment that is used for the treatment of acne (pimples) and scabies (galis-aso).
  • For Acne: Wash affected areas with a mild cleanser and water. Avoid applying to normal skin to prevent excessive dryness. Wash hands after each application. .
  • For Scabies: Take a thorough bath before each application and 24 hours after the last treatment. Apply sulfur ointment and gently massage on all skin areas from the neck to the toes (including soles of the feet). Leave on for 24 hours after application. Repeat for 2 to 3 consecutive days, or, as directed by a doctor.
  • To prevent the spread of scabies, everyone in the household or group, whether itching or not, should be treated at the same time.
  • All clothing and bedding used by a patient with scabies should be washed (using hot water) to avoid reinfestation or transmission of scabies.

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